Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Redefing SEO for Google

I have started doing SEO 4 years back when most of search engine optimizers used to heavily emphasize on title, meta, keyword density in content, back links (no matter whether they are relevant or not) and many other techniques (rather I should term it tactics) to rank a website high in search engines. Few search engines still can be cheated with these so called SEO techniques but with Google it will be something like taking salt in high blood pressure, I mean things will become worst.

With little of my SEO experience I can say that Google has reduced role of SEO to just a good implementer of Webmaster guidelines for high rankings, and arrange as many as relevant back links you can but naturally, NO CHEATING. It doesn’t mean that you can not use and rank well with so called black hat techniques but you will be caught soon and will be booked to hell for long time. If you think that your website is worthy for business then never take a chance that can spoil its search engine prospects.

If you are willing to rank high for Google then you have to do nothing but…
… Update your website regularly with useful information
… Don’t go beyond the webmaster guidelines for website
… Ask other web community (Websites, Web blogs, social book marking sites, etc) to link to you because your website has something for their visitor’s interest
… Contribute to the online communities related to your business like forums, social networks

What I think we must Re Define SEO for Google otherwise Best of Luck!

1 comment:

Kamal said...

sounds good! this is the way to acheive high rankings without any risk of getting banned by google.